
Perl 6 Language Highlighter Forgotten Edition (Deprecated)




Bug Reports




Atom Perl 6 Support - Forgotten Edition!

apm package

This used to be my attempt at improving the Perl 6 highlighter over the builtin one for Atom. I have since lost almost all of my time for programming. Thankfully the Perl 6 community has taken it upon themselves to continue where I left off and make it an official project. Please use the official atom-language-perl6 highlighter going forward and not my own as this package is not maintained.

Derived from the builtin language-perl package but with many bugfixes and additions. You might ask why I didn't just add a PR there but I feel that this package adds quite a bit more that it might not be everyone's cup of tea. However, I do plan on adding support for autocomplete+, linter, atom-build, and atom-runner. Maybe even integrating a perl6 REPL would be fun!

A screenshot of an funnified Perl 6 file

How do I use this?

You have three options:

  1. Click the language name in the status-bar (Ctrl+Shift+L) and select Perl 6 FE
  2. Disable or uninstall the language-perl package
  3. Add this to your config.cson (Application: Open Your Config):
      'source.perl6fe': [
        # Any extensions you'd like to override

Please be aware that if you do not include the t extension above, your t files will be highlighted with the language-perl highlighter (using either P5 or P6 grammar depending on if you have the use v6; pragma).

What Makes This The Fun Edition™?

Perl 6 is optimized for fun -Audrey Tang

Here's a few more examples:

Another screenshot of a funnified Perl 6 file

Yet another screenshot of a funnified Perl 6 file


MIT © Jake Russo et al