language-powershell-revised Made for Pulsar!

Updated, revised PowerShell Syntax Highlighting Support in Pulsar.







Language-PowerShell-Revised Pulsar Package

Updated, revised PowerShell Syntax Highlighting Support in Pulsar.


This Grammar is based solely off of the wonderful PowerShell TextMate Grammar.

The same exact way that language-powershell is, but that one has fallen out of maintenance.

To update this grammar, you'll first need to clone PowerShell's EditorSyntax locally then run the following to build the grammar file:

.\build.ps1 -Test

Once the grammar file is built there you can take the resulting ./grammars/powershell.tmLanguage.json file and use it to replace the ./grammars/powershell.json file within this package.

Lastly compare against the ./grammar.patch file to ensure the very few changes needed are applied:

Once you are done making your changes ensure to generate a new PATCH file like so:

git diff --no-index --patch ./grammars/powershell.tmLanguage .json ../language-powershell-revised/grammars/powershell.json --output ../language-powershell-revised/grammar.patch

The last SHA pulled from EditorSyntax - c0372a1 [ Jan 2, 2022 ]