
Typographic Number Theory support in Atom








Typographic Number Theory support in Atom.

Summary of TNT

Rules of Well-Formedness


0 is a numeral.
A numeral preceded by S is also a numeral.
Examples: 0 S0 SS0 SSS0 SSSS0 SSSSS0


a is a variable. If we're not being austere, so are b, c, d, and e.
A variable followed by a prime is also a variable.
Examples: a b′ c′′ d′′′ e′′′′
Other symbols permitted instead of : '


All numerals and variables are terms.
A term preceded by S is also a term.
If s and t are terms, then so are (s+t) and (s⋅t).
Examples: 0 b (S0⋅(SS0+c)) S(Sa⋅(Sb⋅Sc))
Other symbols permitted instead of : *, .

The above rules tell how to make parts of well-formed formulas; the remaining rules tell how to make complete well-formed formulas.


If s and t are terms, then s=t is an atom.
Examples: S0=0 (SS0+SS0)=SSSS0 S(b+c)=((c⋅d)⋅e)
If an atom contains a variable u, then u is free in it. Thus there are four free variables in the last example.


A well-formed formula preceded by a tilde is well-formed.
Examples: ~S0=0 ~∃b:(b+b)=S0 ~<0=0⊃S0=0> ~b=S0
Other symbols permitted instead of ~: !


If x and y are well-formed formulas, and provided that no variable which is free in one is quantified in the other, then the following are all well-formed formulas:
<x∧y>, <x∨y>, <x⊃y>
Examples: <0=0∧~0=0> <b=b∨~∃c:c=b> <S0=0⊃∀c:~∃b:(b+b)=c>
Other symbols permitted instead of : &, ^
Other symbols permitted instead of : |, V, v
Other symbols permitted instead of : (Alt+26 on Windows), ] (less obvious as "implies")


If u is a variable, and x is a well-formed formula in which u is free, then the following strings are well-formed formulas:
∃u:x and ∀u:x
Examples: ∀b:<b=b∨~∃c:c=b> ∀c:~∃b:(b+b)=c ~∃c:Sc=d
Other symbols permitted instead of : A
Other symbols permitted instead of : E

Rules of Propositional Calculus

Joining Rule: joining

If x and y are theorems, then <x∧y> is a theorem.

Separation Rule: separation

If <x∧y> is a theorem, then both x and y are theorems.

Double-Tilde Rule: double-tilde

The string ~~ can be deleted from any theorem. It can also be inserted into any theorem, provided that the resulting string is itself well-formed

Fantasy Rule: fantasy rule

If y can be derived when x is assumed to be a theorem, then <x⊃y> is a theorem.

Carry-Over Rule: carry over linen

Inside a fantasy, any theorem from the "reality" one level higher can be brought in and used.

Rule of Detachment: detachment

If x and <x⊃y> are both theorems, then y is a theorem.

Contrapositive Rule: contrapositive

<x⊃y> and <~y⊃~x> are interchangeable.

De Morgan's Rule: De Morgan

<~x∧~y> and ~<x∨y> are interchangeable.

Switcheroo Rule: switcheroo

<x∨y> and <~x⊃y> are interchangeable.

Rules of TNT

Rule of Specification: specification

Suppose u is a variable which occurs inside the string x. If the string ∀u:x is a theorem, then so is x, and so are any strings made from x by replacing u, wherever it occurs, by one and the same term.
(Restriction: The term which replaces u must not contain any variable that is quantified in x.)

Rule of Generalization: generalization

Suppose x is a theorem in which u, a variable, occurs free. Then ∀u:x is a theorem.
(Restriction: No generalization is allowed in a fantasy on any variable which appeared free in the fantasy's premise.)

Rule of Interchange: interchange

Suppose u is a variable. Then the strings ∀u:~ and ~∃u: are interchangeable anywhere inside any theorem.

Rule of Existence: existence

Suppose a term (which may contain variables as long as they are free) appears once, or multiply, in a theorem. Then any (or several, or all) of the appearances of the term may be replaced by a variable which otherwise does not occur in the theorem, and the corresponding existential quantifier must be placed in front.

Rule of Symmetry (in Equality); symmetry

If r=s is a theorem, then so is s=r

Rule of Transitivity (in Equality): transitivity

If r=s and s=t are theorems, then so is r=t

Add S (a Rule of Successorship): add S

If r=t is a theorem, then Sr=St is a theorem.

Drop S (a Rule of Successorship): drop S

If Sr=St is theorem, then r=t is a theorem.

Rule of Induction: induction

Let X{u} represent a well-formed formula in which the variable u is free, and X{x/u} represent the same string, with each appearance of u replaced by x.
If both ∀u:<X{u}⊃X{Su/u}> and X{0/u} are theorems, then ∀u:X{u} is also a theorem.


Check the examples folder - ascii contains examples using only ASCII-compatible symbols, unicode contains the same examples using the proper (intended) symbols.