
Interactive helper for executing Laravel 5 artisan commands







Laravel Helper

Interactive helper for executing Laravel 5 artisan commands

Custom Commands

Warning: This "documentation" might be incorrect in some places. If you find anything incorrect or something isn't working how you think it should, simply create an issue and I'll try to sort it out

This package now has the ability to load custom commands via an external JavaScript file. If you would like to use your own commands, simply follow these steps to get started;

  1. Create an empty JS file anywhere you like and copy it's location to your clipboard.

    Location example: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\MyLaravelCommands.js

  2. Open the settings for this package and paste the location of your command file into the "Command File Path" box.

  3. Back in your custom command file, start writing commands and each time your use the Laravel helper menu, it will automatically detect new changes. (See below for syntax and examples)

Command Syntax

You can define commands in 2 different ways;

  1. By simply using a string, or;
  2. By specifying a full object

The first will allow you to quickly specify commands. It will use this value for the name that shows in the dropdown menu and for the command it should execute.

The latter however will give you full control over the command definition.

I'll specify the structure for a command first and after this, I'll give some examples.

Command Defintion

Key Type Required Description
value string Yes The name to show in the dropdown menu. This will also be the command if no command is provided
rootCommand string No This is used in conjunction with the command parameter or a sub-commands command value
command string No This will get prefixed onto the rootCommand
subCommands Command[] No An array of child commands. Every command specified here will be prefixed with this rootCommand
argFormat string No The format any arguments should be placed in
isRaw boolean No If true, it will ignore the parents rootCommand and simply run the command you specify
params string|Parameter[] No

Parameter Definition

Key Type Required Description
type string Yes Can be "text", "checkbox" or "radio"
value string Yes The name of the field and what will be shown as the label (The camelCase value of this should match something in the argFormat)
default any No What this value should be by default (If type is "text", it sets the placeholder)
required boolean No Is this a required field?
options string[] If type is "radio"


Simple Commands

// Make sure you wrap every command as an array
// And yes, having some commands a simple string and others an object will work
// If you use a string instead of an object, it will show exactly what you put in the dropdown
module.exports = [
    // Will simply run the command "bash" in the console

    // This is equivalent to above
        value: 'bash'

    // This will show "Wipe Database" in the dropdown and execute the "command"
        value: 'Wipe Database',
        command: 'php artisan migrate:reset'

Nested Commands

NOTE: With nested commands, the parents "Value" is prefixed onto the childs "command"

module.exports = [
        // This is the "base" command
        // All subCommands will get prefixed with the "rootCommand"
        value: 'Database',
        rootCommand: 'php artisan',
        subCommands: [
            // Show as "migrate" and execute "php artisan migrate"

            // Show as "Wipe" and execute "php artisan migrate:reset"
                value: 'Wipe',
                command: 'migrate:reset'

            // Show as "Dump Autoload" and execute "composer dump-a"
            // Note how this doesn't get prefixed with the parents rootCommand because we specify isRaw=true
                value: 'Dump Autoload',
                command: 'composer dump-a'
                isRaw: true

    // In this example, we don't specify a rootCommand
    // In this case, we have to specify the full command on each of the children
    // This can be handy if you want to group a bunch of package commands together
        value: 'Database',
        rootCommand: 'php artisan',
        subCommands: [

                value: 'Refresh',
                command: 'php artisan migrate:refresh',
                isRaw: true

Command Arguments

What if a command expects some arguments - like php artisan make:controller

module.exports = [
    // We start of by defining this as we have before
        value: 'Make',
        rootCommand: 'php artisan',
        subCommands: [
                value: 'Controller',
                command: 'make:controller',

                // This is a list of input definitions that will be used to generate the UI
                // when you select this command from the dropdown.
                params: [
                    // If you specify a parameter definition simply as a string
                    // a text input will be displayed

                    'Model?', // This argument is optional
                        type: 'checkbox',
                        value: 'Resource',
                        default: true // This will be checked by default
                        type: 'text',
                        value: 'Parent',
                        // Because this is a text input, this will be the placeholder
                        default: 'Something',
                        required: false // This argument is optional

                // Here is the format this command expects the arguments to be
                // You can see that because "resource" is a checkbox, we specify that it's optional here
                // The other arguments are specified as optional in the parameter definition above
                argFormat: '$name --model=$model --resource? --parent=$parent'

            // Radio groups & Advanced argument formats
                value: 'Migration',
                command: 'make:migration',
                params: [
                        type: 'radio',
                        value: 'Type',
                        options: ['Create', 'Table'],
                        default: 'create'
                    'Table Name?'
                // Here is a great example of being able to place your param values anywhere within the argument
                // If we input;
                // Name: create_users_table
                // Type: Create
                // Table Name: users
                // It would execute this command:
                // php artisan make:migration create_users_table --create=users
                argFormat: '$name --$type=$tableName'

    // Bonus
    // Because of how (poorly) I've written this work, it might work unexpectedly when you add your own commands

    // You would expect this to execute "git commit -m some message here"
    // But it really does "git:commit -m some message here"
        value: 'Git',
        subCommands: [
                value: 'Commit',
                params: ['message'],
                argFormat: '-m $message'

    // Using isRaw and specifying the "full" command on each sub-command can fix this
        value: 'Git',
        subCommands: [
            // This will execute "git commit -m some message here"
                value: 'Commit',
                command: 'git commit',
                isRaw: true,
                params: ['message'],
                argFormat: '-m $message'

            // This will execute "git push"
                value: 'Push',
                command: 'git push',
                isRaw: true,


Laravel Helper