
Extra utilities for LaTeX editing







latex-friend package

A set of extra utilities for your LaTeX workflow.

Insert references

Use ctrl-alt-r to browse, select and insert references to a \label. References to formulas can be inserted as \eqref (enable in settings) but amsmath is required.

latex-friend references

Matrix builder

Creates a matrix by specifying the number of rows and columns (ctrl-alt-m). Uses the amsmath package notation. At the moment, only \bmatrix supported. Further customization in future releases!

Navigation pane

Provides a navigable tree with the document's sections. ctrl-alt-p or Latex Friend:showNavigationPane from the palette (press it again to close it).

navigation pane

The TreeView component is based on the symbols-tree-view project.

Navigate section

Use ctrl-alt-n for a navigational menu to quickly jump between sections.

latex-friend navigation

Sync PDF

Provide the PDF Reader's path and sync argument in the package settings (a default for Skim on OS X is provided).

latex-friend sync

Search TODOs

Search TODO notes and jump to selected. TODOs are identified by the command \todo (as in the todonotes package). Shortcuts are ctrl-alt-t or Latex Friend:Show TODOs from the palette.

latex-friend sync