
Adds LaTex autocompletion for








Laxer is a package to help you with your every day LaTex needs. It does reference, citation and environment autocompletion on the fly or at the touch of a keystroke.

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Reference autocompletion

Autocompletion of references Triggers:

Bibliography autocompletion

Autocompletion of bibliography Will scan through the file to find \bibliography{mybib1.bib, mybib2} and then scan through the file named mybib1.bib and mymbib2.bib to get the citations. Triggers:

Will look for Bibtex files given in the current file of the form \bibliography, \addbibresource and \addglobalbib.

You can edit from the preferences window which parameters you would like to search the bibliographies by. The default is title,author, for example key,year will search through entries by their key, i.e. @key{...}, and the year it was published.

Environment autocompletion

Autocompletion of environments Triggers:

Multifile support

For multifile support, from the child files use %!TEX root = mainfile.tex to point to the root file.


You can switch off any of the autocompletions in the settings menu. If you prefer a manual approach you can bind keys as follows. First go to Atom>Open Your Keymap and then paste the following, choosing whatever key binding you find convenient:

  'cmd-alt-o': 'latexer:omnicomplete'
  'cmd-alt-r': 'latexer:insert-reference'
  'cmd-alt-c': 'latexer:insert-citation'

Latex on Atom

This package only provides autocompletion. If you want the full latex experience then I would recommend getting the language-latex package for syntax highlighting, and the latex or the latex-plus package for compiling latex documents. You can also view pdf documents from within Atom by installing the pdf-view package.