
A non-efficient package for functions that help unity development







lazy-unity-helper package

A non-efficient package for functions that help unity development

  'lazy-unity-helper:insert-inherited-functions': => 
    # Function Overview: (this works / is tested for c# only)
    # 1. does a regex search for the base class name
    # 2. searches project for files with 'public BaseClassName '
    # 3. if files.length == 1, use that file otherwise present user list of files to choose
    # 4. regex search for all virtual / override functions
    # 5. insert them where the user cursor is
  'lazy-unity-helper:jump-to-definition': => 
    # Function Overview: (this works / is tested for c# only)
    # 1. verifies that the current word under cursor looks like a function
    # 2. makes a regex pattern that matches methods with same # of params and name
    # 3. find all matches in all files found and the row index
    # 4. if only one match, use that match otherwise present user with list of matches
    # 5. go to that filePath / that row index