linter-erb Archived: ... Source Code has been archived

Linter plugin for ERB, using erb -x




Bug Reports




This package provides the following services:


This package will lint your ERB files in Atom by running them through erb -x and sending the output to ruby -c for checking.



Before using this package you will need to have Ruby installed and available from your $PATH.

Plugin installation

The Linter and package will be installed for you to provide an interface to this package. If you are using an alternative debugging interface that supports linter plugins simply disable Linter.

If you do not already have it installed, language-ruby will also be installed for you.

To install this package either search for it from within Atom's settings menu or run the following command.

apm install linter-erb


All of linter-erb's settings are available from within Atom's settings menu. If you prefer to manually edit the configuration file the following settings are available:

Finding the full path

If you are unsure of the location on your system of a program there are utilities you can use to find the full path. For example to find the path to erb you would run one of the following: