linter-eslint Archived: ... Source Code has been archived

Lint JavaScript on the fly, using ESLint (v7 or older)







This package provides the following services:


CI Dependency Status

This linter plugin for Linter provides an interface to eslint versions 7 and below. It will be used with files that have the "JavaScript" syntax.

For linting in projects that use ESLint v8 and above, install linter-eslint-node.


apm install linter-eslint

linter-eslint will look for a version of eslint local to your project and use it if it's available. If none is found it will fall back to the version it ships with.

Let's say you depend on a specific version of eslint. Maybe it has unreleased features or maybe it's newer than what linter-eslint ships with. If your-project/node_modules/eslint exists linter-eslint will be used. This package requires an eslint of at least v1.0.0.

If you do not have the linter package installed, it will be installed for you. If you are using an alternative linter-* consumer, the linter package can be disabled.

If you wish to lint files in JavaScript-derivative languages (like Typescript, Flow) with ESLint, you must add the scope name for that grammar to the List of scopes to run ESLint on option in linter-eslint Settings. For example, to lint TypeScript files, add source.ts to the list.

Use with plugins

You have two options:

Using ESLint

Note that recent versions of ESLint do not use any rules by default. This means you have to specify a configuration file for your project!

To do this in a straightforward way run this:

eslint --init

Alternatively you can create the .eslintrc file by yourself. It is a good idea to have a look at the ESLint documentation, including the list of rules.

A Note About Settings

If Use Global is on, Atom will use the global ESLint. The path to it is figured out by running npm get prefix. If this fails for any reason, you can set the global path manually in Global Node Installation Path.

If Use Global is off, Atom will try to find a local installation in the project folder, look if there's ESLint in ${PROJECT_ROOT}/node_modules and use it if found.

The path to the local node_modules folder can be a path relative to the project or an absolute path and should end in /node_modules/. This path is used if the other methods of discovery have failed.

If there is no local installation Atom will use the built-in ESLint in the linter-eslint package itself.


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