This package provides the following services:
Mac | Windows | Linux |
This package will lint your opened Lua files in Atom, using luacheck.
- Install luacheck.
$ apm install linter
(if you don't have AtomLinter/Linter installed).$ apm install linter-luacheck
Atom -> Preferences... -> Packages -> linter-luacheck -> Settings:
- Executable Path to your luacheck executable.
To config luacheck, you may:
Use config file named .luacheckrc
(in project root and/or Lua source dirs).
Example .luacheckrc
at project root:
files['*.rockspec'].global = false
files['.luacheckrc'].global = false
files['spec/*_spec.lua'].std = 'min+busted'
Or use luacheck inline options.
Example project/luafile.lua
local lib = {}
function lib.add(self, a, b) -- luacheck: ignore self
return a+b
Bugs, ideas and pull requests please go to AtomLinter/linter-luacheck.