
Lint Python optional Type Hints (PEP-484) using mypy.







This package provides the following services:


Build Status linter-mypy_package linter-mypy_BugTracker

An Atom Linter plugin which displays warnings related to Python optional static type as defined in PEP 484 using mypy.

Screen shot demo


  1. Install python package mypy, run:

    python3 -m pip install -U mypy typed-ast
  2. Install atom package, run:

    apm install linter-mypy

Available settings

Setting Default Values
Lint trigger Lint on file save
Path to the executable of Python python3
Mypy Incremental True
Mypy Incremental Cache Folder Path
Mypy Notify Internal Error True
Ignore File path Regex
Mypy Path
Warn Unreachable True
No Implicit Reexport True
Mypy Config File
Follow Imports silent
Namespace Packages True
Disallow Untyped Calls True
Disallow Untyped Defs True
Disallow Untyped Globals True
Disallow Redefinition True
Strict Equality True
Disallow Incomplete Defs True
Check Untyped Defs True
Warn Incomplete Stub True
Disallow Untyped Decorators True
Warn Redundant Casts True
Warn No Return True
Warn Return Any True
Disallow Subclassing Any True
Disallow Any Unimported True
Disallow Any Expr True
Disallow Any Decorated True
Disallow Any Explicit True
Disallow Any Generics True
Warn Unused Ignores True
Warn Unused Configs True
Warn Missing Imports True
Strict Optional True
No Implicit Optional True