
Linting for things in Terraform







This package provides the following services:

Linter for things in Terraform

Initially this is supposed to do one thing :

You'll need to install this by copying a release onto your path :


Create a .tflint.json file in the root of your project.

This should have a single object in it, with one item, tags.

The subkeys of tags should be regex patterns that match resource types. Note that only AWS resource types that Terraform can apply tags to will be matched at all.

The subkeys of each pattern should have a value that is a regex that matches the values you consider acceptable for those tags. Non-string values in tags will be converted to strings before matching.

NB backslash is an escape char in Javascript as well as regex so you'll have to escape it to use it - JSON doesn't permit literal regex values

e.g. here we have a config where :

  "tags": {
    ".*": {
      "Name": "^.*$"
    "aws_ami": {
      "version": "^\\d+$"
    "aws_db_.*": {
      "securityClassification": "^(official|secret|topsecret)$"

Development notes

Getting list of taggable resources

You can get the list of taggable resources that Terraform supports by looking in the source for items that put it in their schema

# In the builtin/providers/aws folder of Terraform sources
grep -R '"tags".*tagsSchema\b' -l | egrep -o 'aws_[^\.]+' | sort