
Rick and Morty placeholder text generator.







This package provides the following services:

Lorem Ricksum

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub! I'm riggety riggetey sick of fake-ass latin placeholder text. Time to get schwifty with your text editor son!

Lorem Ricksum is an Atom package that lets you insert a random Rick and Morty quote into your editor just by invoking the name of the smartest drunk in the multiverse.

Just run apm install lorem-ricksum and then type ricksum into any editor.

Thanks to @emillinden and @adameriksson for use of their API. Check it out at http://loremricksum.com/.

Advanced usage

Niche audiences may need more quotes and paragraphs that just one. This is now possible using special suffixes. Adding _p# to then end of the autocompleted string will add # paragraphs instead of just one. You can also add a specific number of quotes by using _q#.

In addition, if you frequently find yourself in need of a specific number of lines and quotes, a default amount can now be set in the package configuration.
