
Launch Meteor from







Meteor-helper: Call Meteor from


🚀 Launch Meteor and Meteorite inside

Meteor.js from


Either use inner packaging tool or the following command line:

apm install meteor-helper


With this package, you can:

In the settings, you can customize this package behavior:


You can overwrite variable settings with a per project file named mup.json at the root of your project using Meteor Up recommendations. The following variables supersede the settings ones:

Tips: To create a default Meteor Up project, simply use the following commands:

npm install -g mup
mup init

And removes the unnecessary comments and add the following environment variables with your own values:

  "env": {
    "PORT": 3002,
    "MONGO_URL": "mongodb://",



How to customize log colors?

Atom allows you to overwrite its style in a specific file named ~/.atom/styles.less (more info here).

For instance: ~/.atom/styles.less

.meteor-helper .panel-body p {
  font-size: 14px;
  color: red;

How to launch Meteor on Windows with an appropriate PATH?

There are currently 2 solutions provided by Windows users (see #36). Results seem to rely on the version of your OS.

The simple method shared by @JohnAReid

In the settings of this plugin, just add the following: C:\Users\userFolder\AppData\Local\.meteor\meteor.bat where userFolder is your short Windows's user name.

A more advanced shared by @dtrimsd

When using C:\Users\userFolder\AppData\Local\.meteor\meteor.bat, SETLOCAL to set meteor variables, the Windows command shell is pulling the normal SET variables including PATH which is required to point to the system32 folder for tasklist.exe.

Following the next steps should circumvent the issue:

  1. Duplicate the meteor.bat file - call the new copy atommeteor.bat.
  2. Open a command prompt, type SET, then hit ENTER. Copy the PATH variable and paste it into the new atommetor.bat file, just under the SETLOCAL line. Instead of PATH=, put SET PATH= and remember to fix the line wrapping. Windows likes to line return a lot.
  3. Create a launcher in the folder for your project - call it launcher.cmd. This file has one line: C:\Users\userFolder\AppData\Local\.meteor\atommeteor.bat

Removing any of these steps seems to break dependencies.

Is there a tutorial on using Meteor with Atom?

Yes, there is:

Settings of the package doesn't show up

The package needs to be activated for modifying your settings. Just toggle Meteor and you should be fine.

I can't load my settings.json file when Meteor is launched

If you've used a relative path to your Meteor project don't forget to apply the same path modifier to the path of your settings.