
Apply Multiple Syntax Themes to your Atom Editor







multi-theme-applicator package

A package for the Atom Editor that allows you to apply multiple syntax themes to your editing session at multiple levels, including by window, by pane, by file type, by file, and by editor.

fig 1 fig. 1: Screenshot of an Atom editing session with multiple syntax themes.


The Atom editor only allows for a single monolithic theme to be applied across all your tabs, panes, and windows. This is a disappointing, and somewhat surprising fact of life in the Atom ecosystem given its excellent overall customization capabilities. Other editors such as emacs, have long allowed multiple themes to be applied at various levels of granularity (e.g. by window, by file, or file type).

Well no more.

Multi-theme-applicator, in the spirit of the emacs package color-theme-buffer-local , allows you to apply any installed syntax theme, at your chosen level of granularity, to the windows, panes, or editors in your editing session. With multi-theme-applicator, you now have this powerful capability available in Atom, making the best browser in its class that much better.


Experienced developers know that they can easily have dozens of separate files open over a long-lived editing session, with anywhere from 12 to 20 of those files being on the "active" workflow at any one time. Thus being able to visually categorize your work files is essential: decreasing the likelihood of "losing your place", and avoiding costly mistakes like editing the wrong file.

In other words, multi-theme-applicator, is a tool for increasing your workflow efficiency.

Allowing multiple coloring themes allows you to group files, and serves as a visual reminder for what "document-plex" you are currently in (for those who distribute their workload over multiple workspaces).

Additionally, since you don't have to commit to one all-encompassing theme, it allows you to experiment with many more of the outstanding themes available for Atom. So now it becomes no big deal to try out an "exotic" theme such as, say, fairyfloss, since you can restrict it to as small an "area" as a single file.

Allowing editor level theming is also useful when your global themes looks good on one file type, but not so good on others. Having this problem? Simply pick another theme that looks good on the other file type and your problem is solved. No more trying to find that one perfect theme that works across all your file types.


Requires Atom >=1.13.0. Tested on Atom 1.56.0 on Mac and Windows 10.


Install from the Atom control panel as you would for any standard Atom package.


Introductory Video

Youtube Introductory Video

fig. 2: Multi-Theme Applicator Getting Started video.

Introductory Presentation Slides

Presentation Slides



When you activate the multi-theme-applicator (MTA) panel with shift-ctrl-v (windows/linux) or shift-cmd-v (mac), you are presented with a list of currently available themes. Select the theme you want and click Apply Local Theme or press Enter. It is not necessary to remove any prior themes before applying a new one. If a theme has already been applied to the current active editor, then that prior theme and scope should be seeded in the dropdown as a reminder to the user, otherwise it will default to the last selected theme with a scope of "file". After applying a theme you should then see the editor update with the new theme. If you select by "file type" then you should see all editors of the filetype update. The panel and theme selection can be entirely controlled with home-row friendly key bindings or via mouse. Having selected a new theme, the dialog will still remain active, allowing you to quickly iterate through and apply several themes until you find just the right one. When you're done, toggle the multi-theme-applicator to close by pressing the escape key, ctrl-shift-v, or clicking the "x" button, and resume working.

Note: MTA only works with syntax themes, not UI themes. UI themes affect the global theme of Atom and thus are not applicable to editor level application.

Typical Workflow

  1. We start in a session with three open files across three panes in the default monolithic theme atom-dark.

Note how two of the panes are open on one file and the third pane on another file and how relatively difficult it is to visually distinguish between them:

fig 1

  1. We want to apply the humane theme to file '' that is visually active in the left pane (pane 1), and upper right pane (pane 2), and in a non-selected tab in the lower right pane (pane 3).

While either pane 1 or pane 2 is active, type shift-ctrl-v or shift-cmd-v (or activate the command palette and type 'multi') and activate the MTA modal panel. The modal dialog should come up with keyboard focus:
2 Note how the syntax theme selected item is a darker color and has a slightly larger border to denote its been selected.

  1. At this point, press 'ctrl-n' and 'ctrl-p' or the arrow keys to scroll through the list. Alternatively, you can press 'shift-alt-v' to "expand" the full list of themes (Unfortunately, if you expand the themes, ctrl-n and ctrl-p won't work for scrolling and you have to use the arrow keys).

Here we type 'h' to quickly locate the humane theme: 3

4) Hit Enter key, or press the Apply Local Theme button to activate the new theme.


Note 1: The theme was applied at the file level, not the editor level (new feature added in v 0.8.0). All three editors that are opened on file 'utils.cofee' will have the new theme, saving you the hassle of having to apply it three times. Of course, only two editors with the selected file are visible in this current example since the editor in pane 3 is in a tab that is not currently visible. However, if we do activate the file's tab in that pane, it will also have the new theme.

Note 2: Even after the theme is applied the dialog is still active, so you can scroll to another theme, hit Enter again, and apply that theme. This allows you to quickly decide if you like the theme or not, without having to go through the whole selection process again.

Note 3: Observe how much easier it is to distinguish between the files with multi-themes.

  1. If you like your new theme, toggle the modal dialog off by pressing ctrl-shift-v or escape (or invoke ctrl-shift-p and search for "multi"), or clicking the "x" button. If we switch to pane 3 and activate the hidden tab, you'll see that it too has the new theme. Congratulations, you now have a mixed theme session! Repeat as desired to your other files.

Note: with version 0.9.0, MTA remembers the theme applied to each file. See release notes below for more details.

Screenshot showing all three editors for the selected file successfully themed:


  1. If you don't like all the different themes and want to return to the default, just press 'ctrl-alt-r' which will refresh Atom (while keeping your pane and file hierarchy) and restore the default theme to every panel i.e. no need to hard cycle (close and re-open) the editor itself.


The following default key bindings are in effect:

shift-ctrl-v : Toggle MTA (mult-theme-applicator) (window/linux) shift-cmd-v : Toggle MTA (mult-theme-applicator) (Mac) shift-alt-v: Give MTA dialog keyboard focus (in editor context)
ctrl-n: scroll down through themes
ctrl-p: scroll up through themes
shift-alt-v: expand the theme list (in modal dialog context)
escape: close the MTA dialog (when it has keyboard focus)

You can also close the MTA dialog by clicking the "x" button.

Note 1: 'shift-alt-v' is used twice: once in the editor context, and the other in the modal dialog context.

Note 2: Quite frankly, some of these are kind of tricky key bindings. I have emacs and vim key bindings in effect on Atom, and finding free key bindings is difficult. If you don't have this problem, you can probably make better choices. See note 3 about how to do this.

Note 3: to change the keybindings, edit $HOME/.atom/packages/mult-theme-applicator/multi-theme-applicator.cson, or use the keybindings section of the Settings panel.


  1. Sticky themes does not work on window, pane, or editor scoped themes.
  2. Because Atom no longer uses a Shadow DOM, which isolated editor level themes, there can now be "bleed over" between themes. That is to say, some elements of your theme may be overridden by a higher level theme. This is just a property of Cascading Style Sheets.

Release History

2022-03-29 - version 2.2.1

2021-04-19 - version 2.1.0

2021-04-16 - version 2.0.0

In short, kind of a utilitarian update that doesn't really add any new functionality. Just trying to give the package a "little love" after three years of no updates.

2018-02-26 - version 1.3.6
Minor Bug Fixes:

Form submission failed, as the <SELECT> element named 'selectTheme' was implicitly closed by reaching the end of the file. Please add an explicit end tag ('</SELECT>')

When applying a window level theme on Atom 1.25-beta2 X64.

2017-11-15 - version 1.3.2
Bug Fixes:

Note: if you want to restore Atom's default key binding for 'paste-without-reformatting' then edit file '~/.atom/packages/multi-theme-applicator/keymaps/multi-theme-applicator.cson' and delete or comment out the following lines:

"atom-workspace atom-text-editor":
  "ctrl-shift-v" : "unset!"
  "cmd-shift-v" : "unset!"

Of course, if you do this you will then lose the 'ctrl-shift-v' bindings for MTA. If you want to re-map MTA to a different sequence, edit all references to 'ctrl-shift-v' (Windows) or 'cmd-shift-v' (Mac) in the aforementioned 'multi-theme-applicator.cson' file, or simply edit under Atom via menu selection 'file->settings'.

2017-09-12 - version 1.3.0
Bix Fixes:

2017-07-21 - version 1.2.0

2017-04-25 - version 1.1.3
Bug Fix:

2017-04-19 - version 1.1.2
Minor bug fixes:

2017-02-08 - version 1.1.0

2017-02-02 - version 1.0.0

  1. Atom 1.13 support
  1. Scope level theming added.
  1. New Remove Scoped Theme button.

2016-09-03 - version 0.9.0
This release introduces quite a large amount of new functionality. Basically, local theming has been made much more "sticky", and requires less manual intervention and re-application. In short, it's starting to work a lot more like one "would expect", and fixes several edge cases where themes were previously not applied as expected.

2016-06-30 - version 0.8.0

  1. Added file level theming.
  2. Added Mac-friendly key binding shift-cmd-v
  3. Added a little better styling to the modal dialog.
  4. Updated README to reflect new changes.

2016-06-09 - version 0.7.0

  1. Improved key binding support
  1. Added close button on modal dialog

2016-05-29 - version 0.6.1