A beautiful modern looking cold pastel color palette on a dark blue-gray background. Tested for Python language.
neko-syntax theme
A beautiful modern looking cold pastel color palette on a dark blue-gray background. Tested for Python language.
Put some freshness in your code with this cool color palette. Gain confidence by focusing on the quality of your Python code. It adapts to your favorite ui. Or simply from the "One Dark" ui theme.
very-light-gray: #c0c5ce
light-gray: #434b65
gray: #2f3446
dark-gray: #242937
background: #1a1d27
cyan: #b6e9ff
blue: #738ebd
purple: #c0b7f9
red: #ee829f
yellow: #ffefcc
From your best editor Atom, Preferences/Settings > Install > Themes, and search for Neko Syntax Theme. Or install through CLI
apm install neko-syntax