A colorful bright-on-black syntax color theme for Atom. Its aim is to make as many languages as possible look as good as possible.
neon-color-scheme-atom-syntax theme
or, just "Neon" is fine
This is a port of the popular Neon Color Scheme for Sublime Text to the Atom editor. I've removed all the grossly Sublime-specific stuff like SublimeLinter and AAAPackageDev scopes, just because they aren't necessary, but I haven't done too much fiddling at this point, other than to tweak how selections look. I'm fairly new to Atom, so bear with me as I learn how to do things better. This is also my first real foray into LESS, so I'm learning all sorts of things as I go here.
Peeves/Bugs (so far)
- I don't know if this is Atom's fault or mine, but when a scope has
set, the various@selection
selectors just don't work - for example, open this file in Atom, and try to select a regular word. See how pretty that looks? Now, try to select part of or the whole URL for one of the links in the first section - you don't see a thing. Is there any way to fix that? - There seem to be some colors defined somewhere like
, etc., but I don't know where they're defined or how to change them. Any guesses?
If you haven't figured out so far, I'm learning as I go here, as Sublime is (and will probably remain) my primary editor. If you catch any bugs or have suggestions for improvements or anything, please open an issue. Have awesome changes you'd like to contribute? A pull request is the way to go. Want to shower me in praise and/or money? You can support me (and any of your favorite open-source Github developers) at Gratipay. Feel free to email me at mattdmo@pigimal.com, or tweet at me @MattDMo. Find my blog on Sublime Text and other stuff at MattDMo.com.

© 2015 Matt Morrison mattdmo@pigimal.com.
This is free software. It is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use this in your own work. However, if you modify and/or redistribute it, please attribute me in some way, and it would be great if you distribute your work under this or a similar license, but it's not required. A shout-out or a beer would be appreciated.