






op-nhom1demo package

Add apm to your PATH

Supported snippet languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript

How to use "snippet":

  1. Go to test.js file
  2. Do one of the following:
  1. Snippet appears!

Edit and run instruction:

  1. It's recommended to uninstall this package first before making any edit.
  2. Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/AcezukyRockon/op-nhom1demo.git at C:\Users\<username>\.atom\packages
  3. Reload Atom.
  4. Make some edits
  5. Reload Atom by open "Command Palette" (Ctrl+Shift+P) > Window Reload

Push to Github. Open command line in package's folder, type following:

  1. git fetch
  2. git status
  3. git add .
  4. git commit -m "update something"
  5. git push

Publish your package to atom site:

  1. Make sure you have requirements for publishing a package (package.json and git tag)
  2. Open command line, go to your package folder
  3. You may need to connect with your atom account via apm command
  4. Change git local user (remove --global tag)
  5. Type: git tag
  6. Type apm publish major/minor/patch (see more)
  7. Congrats!

Install package:

Uninstall package:

List of npm dependencies:

Tags and versions: