This package consumes the following services:
- Open Current File in Different Browsers - IE,Chrome,Firefox,Opera,BrowserPlus
- Access browser list from context Menu/status bar
- customize the list of browser being displayed through settings
- With Support for localhost(enable it using settings)
- Ability to add custom browsers.
Opening Browsers are available in status bar
Browser List in context menu(possible to limit the list of browsers by settings)
Update: Ability to add New Browsers
command open-in-browsers:addBrowser
Update: 05/25/2017
open-in-browsers:addBrowser - removed the command. as it makes the package complicated.
Adding new browsers can be done by PR(Pull Request).
Check the lib/ and send the cmd needed for opening the browser. I can also add if you send me the details of browsers/cmd
Microsoft-Edge doesn't yet allow opening file system files..Once it allows this plugin will start to work automatically.
How to Add Your Browser
ChromePortable/FirefoxPortable/SafariPortable can be used to define your own browser through setting. Fill the path to your custom browser / tooltip/color to differentiate the icons from chrome/Firefox/safari
fix to issue
path to browser has to be maintained within quotes if there are spaces in the path
for eg. C:\"Program Files\Mozilla Firefox"\firefox.exe
How to View from local host?
Maintain "proj.json" file in the root directory of the project root folder. The file name can be configured from settings, but has to be in the root folder.
Here is sample structure of the file
"localhost": {
"url": "http://localhost:8000",
"folder": "C:/Users/admin/myproj/public"
There are 2 parameters:
- url: This is base url against which the file path will be shown. Just maintaining url would make the file path being added to end of the maintained url.
- folder: folder directory will be compared with the path of the file being displayed and will be replaced for eg. in the above case if you view a file under the root directory
would be shown as
This can be maintained differently for each project under each project's root directory.