
Open filenames under cursor with ctrl-o

Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz <> (






open-plus package

Build Status

Use ctrl-o to open file specified by filename under cursor.

Open plus opens filenames under cursors or from selections. Non-absolute filenames are interpreted relative to filename of current buffer.

Binary files and URLs are opened by external application defined by your OS.

If word under cursor has no extension, and resolved file does not exist, extension from current file is added to filename.

If you click at a filename, keep the left mouse-button pressed and then hit the (left) ctrl-key, it will also open the file, you clicked at.

Xikij Support

There is special support for xikij package. If you are on a path like

       + fstab

You can hit ctrl+o and file opens in atom or external if binary.

Use Cases