
Pair Programming




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Pair Programming Atom package

This atom package allows you to broadcast your atom text editor in real time on the web. The idea is to be able to create "programming channels" just as "Youtube channels". It's sometimes fun to look at others programming (I wonder whether it's a normal behavior though...).
It might just also be interesting in terms of learning good habits, learning best practices or even finding bugs and pair programming...

This package can also be used for teaching concerns. For example, you have a class of people learning to code. You activate the package and ask the students to connect the channel and participate in a coding session.

This is a kind of "Twitch for code" (I don't really subscribe to this X for Y but...).

I'm quite new to atom package and coffeeScript so there are probably some ugly things here and there but it's here at least 😃

On the other hand, It'll be awesome to create an API (on the server side) for other editor fans to be able to develop package for other editor (sublime, emacs, vi etc...)

Access streaming

Everybody can see live channels of programmer broadcasting their code on, then choose a channel and watch TV 😄


Menu > Atom > Preferences > Install then search for "Pair programming" and install the package


ctrl-alt-y -> Activate broadcast

From now on every open panes (tabs) will be visible as you type, copy, paste, scroll.

ctra-alt-t -> Deactivate broadcast

From now on you are disconnected and nothing is shared anymore.


When you broadcast a small owl (cool animal isn't it ?) is added to your status bar with the number of watchers next to it.
This number is automatically updated as people are following you or leaving 😃


Cool features to add

Find more information concerning Atom package creation here.