
Convert files from one markup format into another using pandoc, with the possibility of using arguments.








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A plugin for the Atom text editor to unleash the full power of Pandoc, and quickly convert your documents in style

pandoc-convert-plus is a fork of the pandoc-convert plugin for Atom that gives more flexibility to the user, by allowing them to invoke pandoc with additional arguments.

The original pandoc-convert plugin allowed a user to quickly use pandoc to convert their documents to many different formats with the Ctrl + P command in atom, as shown here :

However, pandoc-convert had one limitation : it didn't allow users to use a set of arguments with the pandoc command that the plugin executed.

With pandoc-convert-plus, you can now use any arguments that you want with pandoc. This allows you to customize how pandoc will convert your document.

Where do I specify the additional arguments ?

Simply go into the settings of Atom, and then the settings of the package. You'll find a text field to add your arguments.

Is there a particular syntax for the arguments ?

No ! Just add them like you would in a Pandoc command through a terminal/command prompt.

Here is an example of some arguments to use a bibliography file, to remove the label of figures, and to use the xelatex engine to generate .pdf files :

--citeproc --bibliography=C:/User/Bibliography/Bibliography_file.bib -fmarkdown-implicit_figures --pdf-engine=xelatex

⚠️ Be careful about spaces and special characters in the file paths present in your arguments. They might lead to issues with Pandoc.

Some examples of useful arguments to use with pandoc-convert-plus


Do you have a single bibliography database that you use in many markdown (.md) notes ?

If that's so, you can use pandoc-convert-plus to automatically use the citeproc plugin of pandoc along with a .bib file containing your bibliography for all of your conversions.

Here is an example of the arguments that you might use to that end :

--citeproc --bibliography=C:/User/Bibliography/Bibliography_file.bib

Removing the label of figures

Just use -fmarkdown-implicit_figures, et voila !

Using another pdf engine

For example, you can use xelatex with the argument --pdf-engine=xelatex.

Other arguments

Pandoc have an incredible number of options, allowing you to use LaTeX templates among many other things. If you want to know more, just check the manual of Pandoc.

Other infomations about the plugin

Since pandoc-convert-plus is just a tiny modification of the original pandoc-convert, please check the repository page of pandoc-convert for more information about its functioning.