
Dynamic patching environment with Pd Internal Messages








apm version code style: prettier

Dynamic patching environment with Pd Internal Messages. This package provides syntax highlighting, snippets and sending messages to Pd via pdsend when you write pdmsg code in Atom.

Pd Internal Messages

These messages can be useful if you are running pd without a gui, or building patches dynamically. For more information, please see below.


You can install in Atom: File > Settings > Packages > pdmsg
Or, using apm

$ apm install pdmsg

Unable to install

If you see an error like below, you need to install Python and C/C++ compiler toolchain, for node-gyp depending on your OS.

gyp ERR! build error
On Windows
On the others


You will need to have Pure Data (Pd) and pdsend which is a CLI for sending messages to Pd, installed. If you don't have them installed, please install Pd only (Pd includes pdsend).

Package Settings

You can change settings in Atom: File > Settings > Packages > pdmsg


Key bindings

Binding Command Description
ctrl-alt-p Toggle Start / Stop pdmsg
shift-enter Evaluate line Run a line of code
ctrl-enter Evaluate block Run a block of code

Execution flow

Building a pd patch:

  1. Create a new canvas
  2. Put a netreceive object: [netreceive <port> <udp> <old>]
  3. Put a subpatch object (a patching target): [pd <name>]

Running pdmsg:

  1. Create a file ending with .pdmsg
  2. Enable pdmsg by running Pdmsg:toggle: Packages > pdmsg > Toggle
  3. Edit your pdmsg code
  4. Press shift-enter or ctrl-enter to run this


Creating an instance of the pdmsg's connection allows you to communicate directly with Pd, i.e. Cn(port, host=localhost). It is used with the insertion operator, and then this operator inserts a message which is defined as a tuple.

Cn(3001, localhost) << (pd-ex, clear) // Send 'pd-ex clear;' to port 3001 on the local.

Send multiple messages by using the addition operator.

Cn(3001, localhost) << (pd-ex, clear) + (pd, dsp, 1) // Send 'pd-ex clear;pd dsp 1;'
Put a object
Cn(3001) << (pd-ex, obj, 10, 10, osc~, 440)
Put a message
Cn(3001) << (pd-ex, msg, 10, 50, 220)
Put a number
Cn(3001) << (pd-ex, floatatom, 10, 100)
Put a symbol
Cn(3001) << (pd-ex, symbolatom, 10, 130)
Put a comment
Cn(3001) << (pd-ex, text, 100, 10, "This is a comment")
Build a sine wave generator
Cn(3001) << (pd-ex, clear) // Clear a canvas
  + (pd-ex, obj, 10, 10, osc~, 440) + (pd-ex, obj, 10, 60, dac~) // Put objects
  + (pd-ex, connect, 0, 0, 1, 0) + (pd-ex, connect, 0, 0, 1, 1) // Connect them
  + (pd, dsp, 1) // Turn on audio