Phoenix Migrations Navigation
Adds a shortcut for quickly opening up the list (WIP) or latest migration in your Phoenix app.
Find Phoenix Migrations Navigation on the package manager here.
Via Command Pallette
- Open up your Phoenix project (note: for the plugin to work the project must have been opened in Atom at its root).
- Bring up the command pallette (CMD+SHIFT+P on Mac, CTRL+SHIFT+P on Linux/Windows).
- Type in "latest", and select "Phoenix Latest Migration: Find" from the list.
- And there it is, your latest migration!
Via keymap
- Open up your Phoenix project (note: for the plugin to work the project must have been opened in Atom at its root).
- Type "ALT-SHIFT-M", and there it is, your latest migration!
Command for custom keymapping: phoenix-migrations-navigation:latest
- open list of migrations in pallette
Thanks to the author of Rails plugin.