Lints your PHP source code to indicate various problems such as missing methods.
This package provides the following services:
This package consumes the following services:
:coffee: Send me some coffee beans
This package provides linting for your PHP source code using PHP Integrator as well as linter.
Note that the php-integrator-base package is required and needs to be set up correctly for this package to function correctly.
This package is not meant to be a replacement for existing PHP linters, but more as a complementary package that will indicate additional issues that the existing linters can't detect.
What is included?
- Shows docblock issues.
- Shows usage of unknown class members.
- Shows usage of unknown global functions.
- Shows usage of unknown global constants.
- Shows warnings about unused use statements.
- Shows erroneous class names that can't be resolved.
- Shows errors returned by the base service's indexing process.