
Provides code navigation and go to functionality for your PHP source code.







This package provides the following services:

This package consumes the following services:


:coffee: Send me some coffee beans


This is a legacy version that requires PHP >= 7.1 and Atom <= 1.18. Users that are on more recent version of Atom can and should use the the base package instead.

This package depends on the syntax classes in Atom and they changed dramatically in Atom 1.19, effectively breaking most of this package. Instead, the functionality of this package has been reimplemented in the core and base package.


This package provides code navigation for your PHP source code using PHP Integrator.

Note that the php-integrator-base package is required and needs to be set up correctly for this package to function correctly.

Note that the hyperclick package is also required.

What is included?

Note: The exact modifier key (ctrl, alt, shift, meta, ...) to hold whilst clicking depends on your configuration of the hyperclick package.

Tip: You can also navigate to the names of classes, interfaces and traits inside docblocks! If an item is navigable, it will be underlined when moving your mouse over it while holding the alt modifier key.

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