
Adds shortcut to generate png files out of PlantUml text files. Expects plantUml to be available via PATH.

Mike Rohland






PlantUml Integration

Atom package that provides a short cut (CMD+CTRL+P on Mac, CMD+ALT+P on Win) to call plantuml from any editor window that displays some text content. Uses saved content of Texteditor to generate not only a preview but also some linkable file. ExtOnly tested locally on a OSX so far.


Question: Why can't Atom see my PlantUml Installation? I see it in terminal?

Answer: Did You Launch Atom Using The Shell Command?

The most common reason is that atom uses a different PATH than you see in terminal. In the version Atom uses PlantUml might not been included on OS X is due to the way OS X launches processes. When you launch Atom via processes created by launchd (e.g. using Finder, the Dock, or Spotlight) it likely will not have access to your $PATH if you set it in your shell initialization files (e.g. .bash_profile, .bashrc, .zshrc, etc).

Either launch Atom via your shell – using the Atom Shell Commands – then Atom should inherit your environment. Alternatively, try one of the suggestions at to set the PATH for processes launched by launchd (and their children, which will include Atom). An option to set plantuml explicitly