
Quickly add/remove project folder







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Quickly add/remove project folder.


What is this?

Atom provide application:add-project-folder to add your project to project list.
And you can right click and chose Remove Project Folder to remove project from list.
This package enables you to quickly do above actions and provide extra commands to manipulate project list.



In mini editor

How to use

Here is training course from Basic(step-1) to step3.


  1. Start project-folder:add from command palette or from keymap.
  2. Chose folder you want to add.
  3. Project folder added and listed in tree-view.

Switch action by tab, Confirm and continue with space.

  1. Start project-folder:add from command palette or from keymap.
  2. Type space key on item you want to add, and continue to add next item with space.
  3. Then type tab, selected items color change to red background to indicate action changed to remove. Then type space to continuously remove folder from project list.

Replace project list by ctrl-r.

  1. Start project-folder:add from command palette or from keymap.
  2. Add multiple folder by typing space several times.
  3. Then type ctrl-r on item you want to replace.
  4. Project folders you added on 2. was replaced with only item you just replaced.

User defined project-group and open it in new-window.

This tutorial assume you've cloned git repositories atom, text-buffer and atom-keymap to ~/github.

  1. From command paletter execute project-folder:open-config.
  2. Paste following text in opened editor and save it.
  atom: [
  1. project-folder:add, you can see "atom" group shows up in top of list with different icon.
  2. ctrl-enter to open atom group in new window.
  3. Three directories defined in group have opened in new window!(You can also remove set of directories in same way)


Following keymap is defined for project-folder's select-list mini editor.

'.project-folder atom-text-editor[mini]':
  'ctrl-r': 'project-folder:replace'
  'tab': 'project-folder:switch-action'
  'space': 'project-folder:confirm-and-continue'
  'ctrl-enter': 'project-folder:open-in-new-window'
  'ctrl-t': 'project-folder:set-to-top-of-projects'

To start project-folder:add or project-folder:remove, invoke from command pallete, or set keymap by yourself.

e.g. My setting.(I'm not setting project-folder:remove since I can switch to it by tab)

  'cmd-p': 'project-folder:add'


e.g ~/.atom/packages, ~/github

If you want to directly edit config.cson, see blow.

  projectRootDirectories: [