
Write code, make music. What sound is your code?







pseudo-synthesizer package

This package play music if you press key.
On initial activate, this package extract zipped files to package folder (.../.atom/packages/pseudo-synthesizer/data).


About keybind config file

Keybind config file is CSON file.
It contain array of Objects that named keyBinds.
Properties of Object are name, keyCode, alt, ctrl and shift.


keyBinds: [
    name: "C1"
    keyCode: 192
    altKey: false
    ctrlKey: false
    shiftKey: false
    name: "C5"
    keyCode: 192
    altKey: false
    ctrlKey: false
    shiftKey: true

About source config file

Source config file is CSON file.
It contain String that named commonPath and array of Objects that named sourceFiles.

Properties of Object are name, fileName.


commonPath: ""
sourceFiles: [
    name: "C1"
    fileName: "C1.ogg"
    name: "C4"
    fileName: "C4.ogg"

About source Oscillator

If set UseSourceFile to false, this package create sound from oscillator.
Musical note to be created are C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A# and B.
Octaves are no limit. (But audible range is about -2 to 10.)
For the above reasons, Name to resolve keybind are ..., 'C-1', ..., 'C4', 'C#4', ... 'B9', ... .

About SourceOscillatorCustomWaveFile

SourceOscillatorCustomWaveFile are described pair of the cosine term(A term, real part) and sine term(B term, imaginary part) of the Fourier coefficient.
The first line represents the intensity of the fundamental frequency.
The next line represents the intensity of the second overtone.
The next next line represents the intensity of the third overtone. ...
Each value is a ratio to the whole.

1 10
2 9
3 8
4 7
5 6
6 5
7 4
8 3
9 2
10 1

About impluse response config file

Impluse response config file is CSON file.
It contain String that named commonPath and array of Objects that named sourceFiles.

Properties of Object are description, fileName.


commonPath: ""
impulseResponses: [
    description: "Empty Apartment Bedroom"
    fileName: "empty_apartment_bedroom_06.ogg"
    description: "St. George's Episcopal Church far"
    fileName: "st_georges_far.ogg"

About auto play

Playable charcters are alphanumeric characters and symbols.
This package converts characters to keycode, then play sound corresponding to keycode.
Continuous lines without blank lines will be played at the same time.

Flohwalzer score for english keybord.


 &&   &&   & & ^^

 ^^   ^^   ^ ^ &&

 &&   &&   & & ^^

 ^^   ^^   ^ ^ &&

 & & & &     ^^

 ^ ^ ^ ^     &&

 &&   &&   & & ^^

 ^^   ^^   ^ ^ &&

 &&   &&   & & ^^

 ^^   ^^   ^ ^ &&

 &&   &&   & & ^^

 ^^   ^^   ^ ^ &&

 & & & &     ^^

 ^ ^ ^ ^     &&

 &&   &&   & & ^^

 ^^   ^^   ^ ^ &&

/@!@#@ ~ / n
&      ^ &


Key codes

key code(english104) code(japanese109)
0 48 48
1 49 49
2 50 50
3 51 51
4 52 52
5 53 53
6 54 54
7 55 55
8 56 56
9 57 57
a 65 65
b 66 66
c 67 67
d 68 68
e 69 69
f 70 70
g 71 71
h 72 72
i 73 73
j 74 74
k 75 75
l 76 76
m 77 77
n 78 78
o 79 79
p 80 80
q 81 81
r 82 82
s 83 83
t 84 84
u 85 85
v 86 86
w 87 87
x 88 88
y 89 89
z 90 90
A 65 + shift 65 + shift
B 66 + shift 66 + shift
C 67 + shift 67 + shift
D 68 + shift 68 + shift
E 69 + shift 69 + shift
F 70 + shift 70 + shift
G 71 + shift 71 + shift
H 72 + shift 72 + shift
I 73 + shift 73 + shift
J 74 + shift 74 + shift
K 75 + shift 75 + shift
L 76 + shift 76 + shift
M 77 + shift 77 + shift
N 78 + shift 78 + shift
O 79 + shift 79 + shift
P 80 + shift 80 + shift
Q 81 + shift 81 + shift
R 82 + shift 82 + shift
S 83 + shift 83 + shift
T 84 + shift 84 + shift
U 85 + shift 85 + shift
V 86 + shift 86 + shift
W 87 + shift 87 + shift
X 88 + shift 88 + shift
Y 89 + shift 89 + shift
Z 90 + shift 90 + shift
` 192 192 + shift
~ 192 + shift 220 + shift
! 49 + shift 49 + shift
@ 50 + shift 192
# 51 + shift 51 + shift
$ 52 + shift 52 + shift
% 53 + shift 53 + shift
^ 54 + shift 222
& 55 + shift 54 + shift
* 56 + shift 186 + shift
( 57 + shift 56 + shift
) 48 + shift 57 + shift
- 189 189
_ 189 + shift 226 + shift
= 187 189 + shift
+ 187 + shift 187 + shift
[ 219 219
{ 219 + shift 219 + shift
] 221 221
} 221 + shift 221 + shift
\ 220 220 or 226
| 220 + shift 220 + shift
; 186 187
: 186 + shift 186
' 222 55 + shift
" 222 + shift 50 + shift
, 188 188
< 188 + shift 188 + shift
. 190 190
> 190 + shift 190 + shift
/ 191 191
? 191 + shift 191 + shift
T0 96 96
T1 97 97
T2 98 98
T3 99 99
T4 100 100
T5 101 101
T6 102 102
T7 103 103
T8 104 104
T9 105 105
T* 106 106
T+ 107 107
T- 109 109
T. 110 110
T/ 111 111
T5(NumLock Off) 12 12
NumLock 114 114
F1 112 112
F2 113 113
F3 114 114
F4 115 115
F5 116 116
F6 117 117
F7 118 118
F8 119 119
F9 120 120
F10 121 121
F11 122 122
F12 123 123
Backspace 8 8
Tab 9 9
Enter 13 13
Shift 16 16
Ctrl 17 17
Pause/Break 19 19
CapsLock 20 20
Escape 27 27
Space 32 32
PageUp 33 33
PageDown 34 34
End 35 35
Home 36 36
Left 37 37
Up 38 38
Right 39 39
Down 40 40
Insert 45 45
Delete 46 46
Left Win(Cmd) 91 91
right Win(Cmd) 92 92
Apps 93 93
ScrollLock 145 145