Auto-scroll markdown-preview tab to match markdown source (forked from original)
[!IMPORTANT] This is a fork of the original
package — which could no longer be installed after a dependency was removed from NPM. It has been decaffeinated but otherwise hardly changed from the original code.
A package for Pulsar that auto-scrolls the markdown-preview
pane item to match the scroll position of the associated editor.
Note about version 2.x.x
This is a total rewrite of the package. This version is more accurate and smoother. And last, but not least, fewer bugs (grin).
Run apm install markdown-scroll-sync
or use the settings page to find the package and install it.
There is no atom command or keybinding. There are no config settings. Just open a markdown file, open the preview, and watch it work.
Copyright Mark Hahn by MIT license.