
Flash your mbed / DAP-link device from Atom with pyOCD







This package consumes the following services:

atom-pyocd - pyOCD integration for Atom

This package allows you to flash your mbed / DAP-link device from within Atom using pyOCD. It is meant as an extension to the build-med to allow flashing the results from the mbed-cli build process.




In order to use this package, pyOCD needs to be installed on your machine. For details on how to install pyOCD see the instructions. On a typical Linux system the following command should to the trick:

sudo pip install --pre -U pyocd

Please note, that pyOCD needs Python 2.7. Thus if your default Python interpreter is 3.0 you might need to substitute pip with pip2.

To access the DAP-link interface as a normal user, it is very likely that you need to add a udev rule. This rule is board specific, but typically it looks something like this:

# mbed CMSIS-DAP
ATTRS{idVendor}=="0d28", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0204", MODE="664", GROUP="plugdev"
KERNEL=="hidraw*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0d28", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0204", MODE="664", GROUP="plugdev"    

Put the rule into /etc/udev/rules.d/99-daplik.rules and restart udev with:

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules


To install this package from the package repository:

apm install pyocd

Or install from git:

git clone

Change into the newly cloned directory and link the package into your atom install:

cd atom-pyocd
apm link

Next, install required node packages:

apm install

Now, when you start your atom next time, you might be asked to install the some dependencies.


Quick Start

Configuration Parameters

The following could be set in the pyOCD panel:

In the package settings the following could be configured:

Available Functions

The following functions could be performed (from the pyOCD panel,the menu, the context-menu or by keyboard shortcut):