
Automatic Python .venv activation in current project







This package consumes the following services:


Automatic Python .venv activation in current project

When current text editor changes, package searches for .venv/bin/activate file, sources it and modifies PATH for the Atom process.

Currently only .venv is supported, since it's most widely used name for in-project virtualenv and many tools use it, such as Poetry.

You can not deactivate virtualenv, but please open an issue if this is an essential feature.

You can see which project's virtualenv is currently active in the status bar at the bottom.

NOTE: There are one caveat that you can notice: there may be virtualenv and editor mismatch on Atom startup if files from different projects was opened at editor shutdown.

This is because there are packages, such as ide-python, that execute their logic for each opened editor and require virtualenv for each of them in order to spawn matching python-language-server, but lack the discovery. For example, if you don't have python-language-server installed globally (only within project's .venv), this .venv must be activated when ide-python attempts to spawn it. And if I ensure that current project is processed last by this package, ide-python will use it's python-language-server (if it's installed) for any other python files from any project that currently have text editor opened.

AFAIK opened editors processing order is undefined, so I can not be sure that .venv used by ide-python right now and project for one particular opened file match. Only solution is on ide-python side - implement .venv discovery on their own.