
Open related Rails files depending on current context







Rails Transporter Build Status

This package provides commands to open file depending on file which is being opened by active editor.


Command Description


This command provides 2 features.

Open related controller

It opens controller file from model, view, controller-test, controller-spec or requests-spec.

e.g. When active editor is opening: app/models/user.rb, app/views/users/*.html.erb or spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb, open-controller opens app/controllers/users_controller.rb.

Open controller concern

It opens concern file from controller.

e.g. If active editor opens below file and cursor is on the include method,

class BlogsController < ApplicationController
  include Blog::Taggable

open-controller opens app/controllers/concerns/blog/taggable.rb.

If no controller or concern found, show dialog to create new file.


This command provides 2 features.

Open related model

It opens related model file from controller, view, model-test, model-spec or factory.

e.g. When active editor is opening: app/controllers/users_controller.rb, app/views/users/*.html.erb, spec/models/user_spec.rb or spec/factories/users.rb,

open-model opens app/models/user.rb.

Open model concern

It opens concern file from model.

e.g. If active editor opens below file and cursor is on the include method,

class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Searchable

open-model opens app/models/concerns/searchable.rb.

If no model or concern found, show dialog to create new file.


It opens related view for action method of controller.

When active editor is opening controller and cursor is inside action method, open-view opens the related view file.

e.g. When you open a below controller,

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @users = User.all
  def show
    @user = User.find(params[:id])

if cursor is inside index method, open-view opens app/views/users/index.html.erb else if cursor is inside show method, open-view opens app/views/users/show.html.erb else, do nothing.

If no related view found, show dialog to create new file.

If you want to change template engine like haml, override default setting in setting view. View File Extension


It opens related view files of controller.

e.g. When active editor is opening app/controllers/blogs_controller.rb, open-view-finder opens related view list.


It opens related layout from layout method in controller.

e.g. When active editor is opening controller, open-layout opens the related view layout file. This command provides 2 behavior to open layout file. When active editor is opening a below controller,

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  layout 'user_dashboard'

First, cursor is on the layout method, open-layout opens app/views/layouts/user_dashboard.html.erb if it exists.

Second, when cursor isn't on the layout method, it opens app/views/layouts/users.html.erb if it doesn't exist, opens app/views/layouts/application.html.erb.

The first behavior has a priority to apply.


It opens related helper from controller, model, view, helper-test or helper-spec.

e.g. When active editor is opening:

app/controllers/users_controller.rb, app/models/user.rb, app/views/users/*.html.erb or spec/helpers/users_helper_spec.rb,

open-helper opens app/helpers/users_helper.rb.

If no helper found, show dialog to create new file.


It opens related test from controller, model, helper or factory.

e.g. When active editor is opening:

app/controllers/users_controller.rb, it opens spec/controllers/users_controller_test.rb.

app/models/user.rb, it opens test/models/user_test.rb.

app/helpers/users_helper.rb, it opens test/helpers/users_helper_test.rb.

If no test found, show dialog to create new file.


It opens related spec from controller, model, helper or factory.

e.g. When active editor is opening:

app/controllers/users_controller.rb, it opens spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb, feautres or requests spec.

app/models/user.rb or spec/factories/users.rb, it opens spec/models/user_spec.rb.

app/helpers/users_helper.rb, it opens spec/helpers/users_helper_spec.rb.

If no spec found, show dialog to create new file.


It opens partial template from render method.

e.g. When active editor is opening a below view file and cursor is on the render method,

<section id="contents">

<%= render 'sidebar' %>


open-partial-template opens app/views/users/_sidebar.html.erb.

If no related view found, show dialog to create new file.


It opens related asset file from view or asset file.


<%= stylesheet_link_tag "user" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "user" %>
<%= csrf_meta_tags %>
<%= yield %>

when cursor is on javascript_include_tag method, it opens app/assets/javascripts/user.js, when cursor is on stylesheet_link_tag method, it opens app/assets/stylesheets/user.css.

//= require my_library

it opens javascript file if it exists.

//= require_tree shared
//= require_directory shared

it opens related asset file list


It opens all of migration list.


It opens related factory file from model or model-spec.

e.g. When active editor is opening:

app/models/user.rb, or spec/models/user_spec.rb,

open-spec opens spec/factories/blogs.rb.

If no factory found, show dialog to create new file.

Default Keymaps

Command Keymap
open-controller ctrl-r c
open-view-finder ctrl-r v f
open-view ctrl-r v
open-layout ctrl-r l
open-model ctrl-r m
open-helper ctrl-r h
open-test ctrl-r t
open-spec ctrl-r s
open-partial-template ctrl-r p
open-asset ctrl-r a
open-migration-finder ctrl-r d m
open-factory ctrl-r f


You can change these from the Settings menu.


Extension of the view files.

if it's value is html.erb, html.haml, json.jbuilder, open-view attempts to open following:

1. html.erb
2. html.haml
3. json.jbuilder


type of controller spec files. Use this to support controller spec, request spec or feature spec.

