This package provides the following services:
Use refmt to format your Reason code in Atom.
- Format on save
- Report formatting and syntax errors on the fly with linter
- Convert between Reason and Ocaml code
No default keybindings are provided, but they can be configured in your keymap.
Command | Description |
reason-refmt:format |
Format the active Reason file |
reason-refmt:convert-file |
Convert a file from Reason to OCaml and vice versa |
reason-refmt:convert-to-reason |
Convert the selection from OCaml to Reason |
reason-refmt:convert-to-ocaml |
Convert the selection from Reason to OCaml |
This package requires language-reason and refmt. For autocompletion, linting and other features, ocaml-merlin is recommended.
apm install language-reason reason-refmt ocaml-merlin linter