Change your Atom background to display any picture from multiple subreddits from Reddit.
- Show popular images from a combination of different subreddits
- Background image automatically changes with a customizable refresh rate
- Customizable filter can be applied to the background image (Blur, Contrast, Greyscale)
pause: {
title: 'Paused',
type: 'boolean',
"default": false,
order: 1
subreddits: {
title: 'SubReddit - Source',
description: 'Enter the subreddits you would like to get images from (seperated by commas)',
type: 'array',
"default": ["EarthPorn", "SpacePorn", "APodStream", "WindowShots", "Wallpapers", "ITookAPicture", "AlbumArtPorn", "MusicWallpapers", "ConcertPorn", "ExposurePorn", "SkyPorn", "FractalPorn", "ImaginaryTechnology", "BridgePorn"],
order: 2,
items: {
type: 'string'
refreshDuration: {
title: 'Refresh Duration',
description: 'How often the background is refreshed (in seconds).',
type: 'number',
"default": 900,
minimum: 60,
maximum: 360000,
order: 3
nsfw: {
title: 'Hide NSFW Content',
type: 'boolean',
"default": false,
order: 4
blur: {
title: 'Blur',
type: 'number',
"default": 5,
minimum: 0,
maximum: 100,
order: 5
grey: {
title: 'Grey',
type: 'number',
"default": 0,
minimum: 0,
maximum: 100,
order: 6
contrast: {
title: 'Contrast',
type: 'number',
"default": 100,
minimum: 0,
maximum: 100,
order: 7
Copyright (c) 2016 . Licensed under the MIT license.