
Restore windows on launching Atom.







** !! Atom v0.193.0 supports restoring window state. You won't need this package any more!! **

Restore Windows

Restore windows on launching Atom.

What is this?

Atom identifies window by project's path atom.project.getPaths() and remembers every opened project's states including window. But Atom does not remember which projects were opened on quitting. Atom v0.193.0 supports restoring window state. You won't need this package any more!!

This package remembers and opens them on launching instead of Atom.


apm install restore-windows

Alternatively open Preferences -> Packages and search for Restore Windows.

How does work this?

Atom loads packages to each of windows on every opening as their own instances. But atom.config is not usable for saving information from multiple instances in same time on closing windows by quitting Atom.

Instead of using atom.config, this package use following files:

Each instance save a file containing their project path on loading and remove it on beforeunload.

Every instance save a file containing their project path on beforeunload.

This package restore windows as following steps:

  1. If opened directory is not empty, another instance of Atom window is exists. Stop restoring.
  2. Collect project path and timestamp from may be restored directory. If timestamp is near past (default: 5sec) from latest, project should be opened.
  3. Remove files from may be restored directory on enumeration.
  4. Call passing project paths for openeing windows.
  5. Atom will restore all windows state on openeing it.
