ruby-test-switcher is an Atom package to switch between Ruby source code and test files with a single keystroke.
It supports RSpec, minitest and test-unit, both in Rails and non-Rails projects.
By default, available key bindings are:
Switch in active pane: alt-r
Switch to target file, in the same pane. *
Switch splitting panes: alt-shift-r
Switch to target file, in different pane (if needed). Source files are opened to the left, test files to the right. *
* Notice that if the target file is already opened, both commands simply switch to it.
From the command line:
$ apm install ruby-test-switcher
From Atom's GUI:
Settings/Preferences ➔ Install ➔ `ruby-test-switcher`
Inspired by the awesome Sublime Text 2 Ruby Tests.