run-in-terminal package
Atom package for executing your current file directly in terminal, or just open the terminal with a specified directory.
Some packages can run terminal «here», some can run scripts not in terminal, but tabs/views/etc. I prefer terminal, so this one can run terminal «here» with any arguments and run scripts or any kind of shell «one-liners».
- start terminal here
- start terminal here and run some command
- start terminal here and run some command with extra arguments
- string interpolation with arguments
- understanding shebang (utf-8 only)
- launchers — file extension based launcher chooser
- separate context menus for tabs, tree and editor
What's new (1.0.1 - Add atom v1.19 support
- fix #19
Field | Type | Description | Default value | Example value |
Launch file in terminal command | string | command to start the terminal and run a program based on filetype or shebang | operating system dependent | konsole --noclose --workdir "{working_directory}" -e {launcher} "{file_dir}" |
Save file before run terminal | boolean | Saves the open file before the terminal is started | true | - |
Launch directory in terminal command | string | command to start the terminal and open a directory | operating system dependent | konsole --noclose --workdir "{working_directory}" |
List of programs by extension | string | comma separated pairs: extension-program | your-programs | .py python3, .lua lua |
Use exec cwd | boolean | child_process.exec cwd parameter | true | - |
Use shebang | boolean | use shebang if available | true | - |
Interpolation parameters
Parameter | Description |
{file_path} | path to current file |
{launcher} | selected program from list or shebang |
{args} | additional (optional) arguments |
{working_directory} | path to current working directory |
{project_directory} | path to project's root directory |
{git_directory} | path to nearest git root directory |
How it works
In deep, run-in-terminal uses the node.js child_process.exec function, so exec have cwd (current working directory) argument. But it doesn't work for all terminals. Some of them need the launch «working directory» argument. That's why run-in-terminal have string interpolation of arguments. What does string interpolation mean? run-in-terminal builds full command at first step and replace predefined substrings with parameters at second. For values from «example value» column above we can have such scenario:
Current opened file in Atom: /path/to/somedir/, which has #!/usr/bin/python3 as shebang.
start-terminal-here-and-run -> konsole --noclose --workdir "{working_directory}" -e /usr/bin/python3 "{file_path}"
this will be interpolated to:
start-terminal-here-and-run -> konsole --noclose --workdir "/path/to/somedir" -e /usr/bin/python3 "/path/to/somedir/"
If run-in-terminal can't determine launcher or file_path (file not saved and has no name) it will do start-terminal-here.
Thanks to:
bobrocke, clintwood, LeoVerto, marales, djengineerllc, LevPasha, Kee-Wang, jnelissen, maxbrunsfeld.