
Automatically run shell commands when you save files.







Save Autorun

Automatically run commands and or scripts when you save files.

# converts an file into x.html using pandoc
'**/*.md': 'pandoc ${file} -o ${name}.html'

# compiles a x.less file into x.css using lessc
'**/*.less': 'lessc ${file} ${name}.css'


These are a list of variables you can use in command definitions. The variables will be replaced with corresponding information from the saved file.

If the saved file was within a single Project, then that Project's root directory will be used as the current working directory for its commands. (behavior if a file was within multiple Projects is undefined.)

If the saved file was not within any Project, then the directory containing that file will be used.

Save Definitions

(To all users who previously used a save-autorun.cson for global definitions prior to version 0.3, please convert your definitions to the newly generated .save.cson)

When this package is activated, a file .save.cson will appear in Atom's config directory. An option Open Save Definitions will also appear under the File tab to easily access this file.

A newly generated .save.cson will give you:

"*": {}

Under "*" (the global group), you can define shell commands by using a glob as a key and a command as the value. Any file saved that matches that glob will trigger that command:

"*": {
	"**/*.less": "lessc ${file} ${name}.css"

You can also define multiple commands to be used by using an array of commands as the value instead of just one:

"*": {
	"**/*.less": [
		"lessc ${file} ${name}.css"
		"(another command)"

You can also define both commands and scripts to trigger by using an object with a command key and script key as the value. For scripts, the value can be a path to a .coffee file that is absolute or relative to the file saved: (note that the value for command and script can also be a string or an array of strings)

"*": {
		command: [
			"lessc ${file} ${name}.css"
			"(another command)"
		script: ""

Information on what goes in a save script is in the Save Scripts section.

In addition, you can make project-specific groups (as opposed to the "*" group) by using the absolute path to the project folder as the key:

"*": {}
	"**/*.less": "lessc ${file} ${name}.css"

Project-Specific Save Definitions

If desired, you can also make your own .save.cson file in the root of your project folder. Please note that the format the definitions is not exactly the same as the global .save.cson file, the only difference being that you do not need to define groups such as "*". Therefore, this is a valid project-specific .save.cson:

"**/*.less": "lessc ${file} ${name}.css"

Note that if this file exists, then the global .save.cson will be ignored.

As an added bonus, you can also create a file in the root of your project folder. This file will be run any time any file in that project folder is saved.

Save Scripts

(this feature isn't fully planned out yet)

A save script is a single function with the path to the file saved as the first argument.

module.exports = (file) ->
	atom.notifications.addSuccess "file saved!"



	'ctrl-alt-s': 'save-autorun:open-global-definitions'

The open-global-definitions command is binded for easy access to the global definitions file.
