
A superset of commands to improve SOFiSTiK workflow







This package consumes the following services:


A superset of commands to improve SOFiSTiK workflow. A grammar supply package is required, e.g. language-sofistik.


To install sofistik-tools search for sofistik-tools in the Install pane of the Pulsar settings or run ppm install sofistik-tools. Alternatively, you can run ppm install asiloisad/pulsar-sofistik-tools to install a package directly from the Github repository.


Support versions of SOFiSTiK are 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2020 and 2018. English only.


The most important part is to correctly set the software installation path and the SOFiSTiK version. You can do it in package settings. The package support shebang as regex ^@ SOFiSTiK (\d{4})(-\d\d?)?$, e.g. @ SOFiSTiK 2022, @ SOFiSTiK 2018, @ SOFiSTiK 2018-12. This overwrite global package settings for all commands run from text-editor scope.

Help view

The help view can be opened in any internal or external PDF viewers. If pdf-viewer is used, then help PDF file can be scrolled to current keyword. A package language-sofistik is required. A help-list can used named destination (e.g. ase:grp2).

Commands in source.sofistik (e.g. .dat file)

Command Description
.current-help open help for current module in Pulsar in single pane
.current-help-[M] open help for current module in Pulsar, but multi panes
.current-help-[E] same as current-help, but in externally PDF viewer
.calculation-WPS open WPS with loaded .dat file
.calculation-WPS-immediately run calculation of file in WPS
.calculation-WPS-current run calculation of current module in WPS
.calculation-SPS-immediately run calculation of file in SPS
.open-report open .plb file with ReportViewer
.save-report-as-PDF convert .plb to .pdf
.save-pictures-as-PDF export images from .plb
.open-protocol open protocol document
.open-Animator open .cdb in Animator or System Visualization
.open-SSD open .sofistik file in SSD
.open-WinGRAF open .gra file with same name as .dat file
.open-Result-Viewer open .result file with same name as .dat file
.open-Teddy open .dat file externally in Teddy
.open-Teddy-single open .dat file externally in Teddy
.open-Teddy-1 open .dat file externally in Teddy in slot 1
.open-Teddy-2 open .dat file externally in Teddy in slot 2
.open-Teddy-3 open .dat file externally in Teddy in slot 3
.open-Teddy-4 open .dat file externally in Teddy in slot 4
.open-SOFiPLUS open .dwg file only if exists else just open program
.export-CDB-to-DAT open export window from .cdb to .dat
.export-PLB-to-DOCX convert .plb file to .docx; work with SOFiSTiK 2020 or higher versions only
.progam-current-toggle toggle state of progam of current program
.progam-all-toggle toggle all programs
.progam-all-ON turn ON all programs
.progam-all-OFF turn OFF all programs
.progam-above-toggle toggle programs above cursor
.progam-above-ON turn ON programs above cursor
.progam-above-OFF turn OFF programs above cursor
.progam-below-toggle toggle programs below cursor
.progam-below-ON turn ON programs below cursor
.progam-below-OFF turn OFF programs below cursor
.clear-URS-tags delete all urs tags

Commands in atom-workspace

Command Description
.open-help open window to choose help document
.IFC-export open IFC export window
.IFC-import open IFC import window
.change-version change globally version of SOFiSTiK program without menu
.open-CDBASE.CHM open database description externally
.open-SOFiPLUS open program

Commands in .tree-view

Command Description
.clean-1 delete files .erg, .prt, .lst, .urs, .sdb, .db-2, .pl, .$*, .#*, .grb, .err, .error_positions, .cfg
.clean-2 delete files like 1 and .cdi, .cde
.clean-3 delete files like 2 and .cdb
.clean-4 delete files like 3 and .plb, .bak, _csm.dat, _csmlf.dat


Got ideas to make this package better, found a bug, or want to help add new features? Just drop your thoughts on GitHub — any feedback’s welcome!