
Blur your secrect key files while live streaming - while still being able to edit them and keep them secret!







Atom Stream Censor

When doing programming live streaming, showing your keys is like sharing your credit card to Twitter. Watching past streams and collecting keys is a hobby that preys on the careless. Rolling keys over every stream you expose them is tiresome and way more effort than its worth.

Introducing Stream Censor where you can edit the .env (or other secret's files) live on stream or recording without worry! You can blur the entire file and since its your config you can feel your way through it while editing, while others will have no idea what your typing.

There are three levels of blur you can change on the fly:


In the settings of this package you can add file types to the sensitiveFiles array and they will get ignored when Stream Censor is enabled. The default blur level can be found here without having the use the Packages > Stream Censor> Increase/Decrease menu items. Don't mess with the default isEnabled value. Should be false. Who am I to tell you what to do. I'm a README not a cop.

Starting Stream Censor

ALT + CRTL + O (or your own combination) will enable or disable the package. You will get a notification so that you know what the current status is. You can also enable by RMB > Toggle Stream Censor or Packages > Stream Censor> Toggle.