teletype-diy Made for Pulsar!

Share your workspace with team members and collaborate on code in real time - DIY edition






This package provides the following services:

This package consumes the following services:

⚠ This is beta software, expect problems. ⚠

The code will probably change and stuff will break.

Teletype DIY for Pulsar

You might remember the teletype package for Atom. This is a self-hosted version of it, for Pulsar.

Never heard of Teletype. What is it?

An Pulsar package that lets developers share their workspace with team members and collaborate on code in real time.

How is this different from the original Teletype?

The original teletype was backed by Github and as such could host a central signaling-server. To use this package, you will either need to host a signaling-server yourself or you will need to do the signaling yourself. Depending on your network, you may need a ICE/TURN/STUN server (e.g. coturn).

How to do manual signal exchange

  1. Enable 'direct p2p' in settings
  2. Connect like normal
  3. Follow instructions in signal-pane: copy signal to peers.