
Closes the window when or after the last tab is closed. Doesn't ask any questions.







The Closer package

Closes the window when or after the last tab is closed. Doesn't ask any questions.

Configuration options

You can use the the-closer.closeWindowTogetherWithLastTab configuration option to configure whether the window is closed with or after the last tab is closed:

# config.cson

  'closeWindowTogetherWithLastTab': true

You can also configure this option in Atom > Preferences > Close After Last Tab.

If closeWindowTogetherWithLastTab is set to false, then the current window will be closed when core:close is triggered (e.g. with cmd-w) after the last tab has been closed. In other words, you need to press cmd-w again after the last tab has been closed.

If closeWindowTogetherWithLastTab is set to true, then the current window will be close when core:close is triggered to close the last tab. In other words, pressing cmd-w to close the last tab will also close the window.

By default, closeWindowTogetherWithLastTab is set to true.