
Allows to move a cursor to the very begining of a soft-wrapped line, when a cursor is not in the first 'virtual' line. Also toggling End button does the opposite. Package allows to use Shift+Home and Shift+End key combinations to select text in soft-wrapped lines.







toggle-home package

Quick demo

Modifies behaviour of Home, End, Shift-Home and Shift-End buttons and key combinations, similiar to Komodo Edit editor. Moves cursor to the begining of a soft-wrapped line, not to the begining of a virtual line.

If cursor is in any virtual line other than first one of soft-wrapped line, and Home button is used, cursor first moves to the begining of current virtual line, and after another use of Home button, it moves to the begining of buffer.

If cursor is in any virtual line other than last one of soft-wrapped line, and End button is used, cursor first moves to the end of current virtual line, and after another use of End button, it moves to the end of buffer.

Combinations with Shift key allow to select text in soft-wrapped lines to the very begining and end of buffer.