
Provides an easier way to configure a Touch Bar with the capability to interact with atom

Iñaki Arango






Touch Bar Utility

An Atom package that allows you to assign custom actions to Touch Bar components.


  1. Go to File → Settings → Packages
  2. Find touch-bar-utility and click on the card but not on the name of the package
  3. Go to Settings and edit the Buttons entry with a JSON array of Touch Bar components
    • A component has the following format: {"type": "<typeOfElement>"[, ...]}

Touch Bar Components

TouchBarButton (type: "button")

Name of variable Type of variable Optional Description
label String Yes Button text.
backgroundColor String Yes Button background color in hex format, i.e #ABCDEF.
pathOfIcon String Yes Path to button icon.
iconPosition String Yes Can be left, right or overlay.
click Function Yes Function to call when the button is clicked.
clickDispatchAction String Yes Event from another package that you want to execute when button is clicked. It will override the click property. It must be in the following format: "<package-name>:<event-name>" without quotation marks.
dispatchActionTarget String Yes Can have a value of 'workspace' or 'editor'. It defaults to 'workspace'. For proper functioning of the pane commands, set the target to 'editor'
insertString String Yes Character to be inserted in the active editor when the button is pressed. It will override the clickDispatchAction property.

TouchBarColorPicker (type: "color-picker")

Name of variable Type of variable Optional Description Return values Return values type Return values description
availableColors String[] Yes Array of hex color strings to appear as possible colors to select.
selectedColor String Yes The selected hex color in the picker, i.e #ABCDEF.
change Function Yes Function to call when a color is selected. color String The color that the user selected from the picker

TouchBarGroup (type: "group")

Name of variable Type of variable Optional Description
items Array of elements No Items to display as a group.

TouchBarLabel (type: "label")

Name of variable Type of variable Optional Description
label String Yes Text to display.
textColor String Yes Hex color of text, i.e #ABCDEF.

TouchBarPopover (type: "popover")

Name of variable Type of variable Optional Description
label String Yes Popover button text.
pathOfIcon String Yes Popover button icon.
items Array of elements Yes Items to display in the popover.
showCloseButton Boolean Yes true to display a close button on the left of the popover, false to not show it. Default is true.

TouchBarSlider (type: "slider")

Name of variable Type of variable Optional Description Return values Return values type Return values description
label String Yes Label text.
value Integer Yes Selected value.
minValue Integer Yes Minimum value.
maxValue Integer Yes Maximum value.
change Function Yes Function to call when the slider is changed. newValue Number The value that the user selected on the Slider

TouchBarSpacer (type: "spacer")

Name of variable Type of variable Optional Description Options Options description
size String Yes Size of spacer, possible values are: small Small space between items.
large Large space between items.
flexible Take up all available space.


Touch Bar with Sample Configuration

The screenshot of the Touch Bar with the sample configuration The screenshot of the Touch Bar with the sample configuration