
Transformador is a package that allow you to execute small modifications on words on numbers







Transformador package

Transformador is a package that allow you to execute small modifications on words or numbers.

1. Upper Case

Shortcut : ctrl-alt-shift-u / cmd-alt-shift-u

Make all letter of a word or a sentence in upper case mode

var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";
// Upper Case

2. Word Invert

Shortcut : ctrl-alt-shift-i / cmd-alt-shift-i

Inverse the position of two selected words

var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";
// Word Invert
// s =  "highlighting syntax JavaScript"

3. Word Reverse

Shortcut : ctrl-alt-shift-r / cmd-alt-shift-r

Reverse the order of a word's letters

var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";
// Word Reverse
// s =  "tpircSavaJ syntax highlighting"

4. Word Wave

Shortcut : ctrl-alt-shift-w / cmd-alt-shift-w

Switch a letter on two on upper case

var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";
// Word Wave
// s =  "jAvAsCrIpT sYnTaX hIgHlIgHtInG"

5. Word Shuffle

Shortcut : ctrl-alt-shift-s / cmd-alt-shift-s

Shuffle randomly the letter of a word

var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";
// Word Shuffle
// s =  "crapivtSaJ syntax highlighting"

6. Calculate

Shortcut : ctrl-alt-shift-e / cmd-alt-shift-e

Calculate the selected operation(s)

var s = "The result is equal to 8+8/3*9+9*5";
// Calculate
// s =  "The result is equal to 285"

NB : The tools clean unwanted spaces or letters, for example 6a 89+7e4/ 2, will be evaluate as 689+74/2 and result 381.5

7. Camel Case Mode

Shortcut : ctrl-alt-shift-c / cmd-alt-shift-c

Combine several following and selected words, deleting spaces and put the first letter of each word in upper case mode

var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";
// Camel Case
// s =  "javascriptSyntaxHighlighting"

8 Underscore Case Mode

Shortcut : ctrl-alt-shift-v / cmd-alt-shift-v

Combine several following and selected words, deleting spaces and separate each word with and underscore

var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";
// Underscore Case
// s =  "javascript_syntax_highlighting"