
Atom enhanced support for Django







Unleash Django

Atom enhanced support for Django


Unleash Django is an Atom editor package made for web developers with a concern of productivity. Its goal is to give an enhanced support of the Django framework to this text editor. It is continuously updated in order to be consistent with the latest stable Django release.


There are three ways to install Unleash Django:


Just open a file of your Django project and you're ready to go!

Unleash Django gives you a lot of snippets to use in all parts of your project. It will also adjust the appearance of your code, in order to fit with Django's functionalities. Last but not least, it works with HTML templates!


Here is a list of all available snippets:

Note that you can abreviate the prefix, for example if you type mdt, Atom will understand that you mean model-date-time and will automaticaly create a Model DateTimeField.

Django Admin Snippets

Prefix Content
admin-model Admin ModelAdmin
admin-model-manual Admin ModelAdmin (manual)
admin-site-register Admin Site Register
admin-stacked Admin StackedInline
admin-tabular Admin TabularInline

Django Form Snippets

Prefix Content
form Form
form-model ModelForm

Django Model Snippets

Prefix Content
model Model
model-auto Model AutoField
model-bigint Model BigInteger
model-bin Model BinaryField
model-bool Model BooleanField
model-char Model CharField
model-date Model DateField
model-date-time Model DateTimeField
model-dec Model DecimalField
model-duration Model DurationField
model-email Model EmailField
model-file Model FileField
model-path Model FilePathField
model-float Model FloatField
model-fkey Model ForeignKey
model-img Model ImageField
model-int Model IntegerField
model-gip Model GenericIPAddressField
model-mtm Model ManyToManyField
model-nbool Model NullBooleanField
model-1t1 Model OneToOneField
model-pint Model PositiveIntegerField
model-psint Model PositiveSmallIntegerField
model-slug Model SlugField
model-sint Model SmallIntegerField
model-text Model TextField
model-time Model TimeField
model-url Model URLField
model-uuid Model UUIDField

Django URL Snippets

Prefix Content
url URL
url-main URL (main)
url-patterns URL Patterns

Django View Snippets

Prefix Content
view View

Django REST Framework Snippets

Prefix Content
rest-serializer Django REST Serializer
rest-view-list-create Django REST ListCreateAPIView
rest-view-retrieve-update-destroy Django REST RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView