
Makes tabs vertical that can also be placed over project tree panel. Fork of the tiger4th's vertical-tabs package







Vertical Tabs Plus package

Makes tabs vertical and adds some extra features. Fork from tiger4th's vertical-tabs package.


Switch tabs by scrolling

Move cursor over tabs and switch between them using scroll wheel. Inspired by the same named option of the Vivaldi browser.

Tabs placement: left, right, embedded (above project tree)

Tabs can be placed on either left or right side of the main pane. It's also possible to shelter them above the project tree not to make it waste much space. Inspired by Adobe Brackets interface.

Customizable tab width and height

Vertical tabs are not hosintal tabs so it makes sense to adjust their sizes manually. When Atom 1.17 has been released, the default theme ("One") got tiny tabs. Some people liked it, some were looking for the way to bring spacious tabs back and made a number of custom styles. One more reason why this option is more important than it seems 😃
Tab width is also customizable or, more accurately, its limits are. Atom adjusts tab width itself all the time, this package just set min and max values.

Why forked?

Originally I had a bunch of custom styles that were fixing weird things in the original package like space under each tab and wrong styles that are used to be actual for vertical tabs only (extra border on each left tab side except the first one, double borders at the bottom of the tab container, etc.). Then I put some own code into the init script file to switch between tabs with scroll wheel (blame Vivaldi and QTTabBar, they made me love it). Later I completely rewrote styles, added custimizable tab height (via LESS variable) and vertical tabs stopped look weird when themes like Material are used. And then I found a way to move tabs over the project tree view what required even more JS code. So I moved everything to a separate package.

There are too many changes for a single pull request but it's still based on the tiger4th's package so I decided to fork it. Well, people fork projects for purposes like this so why not?

The difference from the original package:

Why 2.0.0, not 0.1.0?

Because it's a forked project and versions up to 1.0.5 are already taken by the original package:

npm ERR! Command failed: git -c core.longpaths=true tag v0.1.0 -am Prepare 0.1.0 release
npm ERR! fatal: tag 'v0.1.0' already exists

Known problems:


Tabs on the left side:

Tabs on the right side:

Tabs above project folders: