
Vue snippets to 🚀 my daily Vue workflow

Konstantin Kostov






Vue Atom Snippets


This package is an Atom port of the excellent Vue VSCode Snippets by @sdras.

My main motivation for creating this package is that I often need to switch between Atom and VSCode and I really, really love the snippets Sarah Drasner crafted for VSCode.

The goals of this package are

Plugin installation

apm install vue-atom-snippets


The snippets provided by the plugin will be available in all .vue files as well as .js (e.g. nuxt.config.js).



Snippet Purpose
vbase Single file component base


Snippet Purpose
vfor v-for directive
vmodel Semantic v-model directive
vmodel-num Semantic v-model number directive
von v-on click handler with arguments
vel-props Component element with props
vsrc Image src binding
vstyle Inline style binding
vstyle-obj Inline style binding with objects
vclass Class binding
vclass-obj Class binding with objects
vclass-obj-mult Multiple conditional class bindings
vanim Transition component with JS hooks
vnuxtl Nuxt Routing Link


Snippet Purpose
vdata Component data as a function
vmethod Vue method
vcomputed Vue computed property
vwatcher Vue watcher with new and old value args
vprops Props with type and default
vimport Import one component into another
vimport-c Import one component into another within the export statement
vimport-export Import one component into another and use it within the export statement
vfilter Vue filter
vmixin Create a Vue Mixin
vmixin-use Bring a mixin into a component to use
vc-direct Vue create a custom directive
vimport-lib Import a library
vimport-gsap Import GreenSock with Timeline and Eases
vanimhook-js Using the Transition component JS hooks in methods
vcommit Commit to Vuex store in methods for mutation
vdispatch Dispatch to Vuex store in methods for action
vtest A simple unit testing component
vinc incrementer
vdec decrementer


Snippet Purpose
vstore Base for Vuex store.js
vgetter Vuex Getter
vmutation Vuex Mutation
vaction Vuex Action
vstore-import Import vuex store into main.js

Nuxt Config

Snippet Purpose
nfont link to include fonts in a nuxt project, in nuxt-config
ncss link to css assets such as normalize
nmod add module entry
nplugs add plugins for global level functionality
nplug add a plugin to the plugins section

Nuxt Page

Snippet Purpose
nasyncdata Nuxt asyncData
nfetch Nuxt Fetch
nhead Nuxt Head

Extra (plaintext)

Snippet Purpose
gitignore .gitignore file presets