
vue2.0+ project snippets fro Atom








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vue2.0+ project snippets fro Atom

Prefix Description
ax-im import axios
ax-get axios get api function
ax-post axios post api function
ax-patch axios patch pai function
ax-put axios put pai function
ax-delete axios delete pai function
ax-init create axios example
ax-init-full create axios - full example(includes vuex and vue-router)
el-im-demand On-demand introduction of example
el-im-full complete introduction of examples
export export module
import import module
class ES6 class
template vue2 template
v-for v-for
v-if v-if
v-else v-else
v-else-if v-else-if
v-show v-show
v-text v-text
v-html v-html
v-on v-on
v-bind v-bind
v-model v-model
model model
props props
data data
watch watch
watch-deep watch with deep
mounted mounted
computed computed
methods methods
components components
r-init vue-router init(includes vuex)
r-scrollBehavio vue-router with scrollBehavior
r-push router.push
r-push-params router.push with params
r-push-query router.push with query
r-params get params
r-query get query
router-view Router View
router-link Router Link
vuex-im vuex import modules
store store index.js
module vuex module
module-auth vuex module with auth
dispatch vuex with dispatch